Victims' Rights Education - Class Topics
A Victim’s Journey
Description: This interactive simulation activity has garnered national attention for its innovative approach to victims’ rights education. Participants will be guided through the criminal justice system while obtaining a more in-depth look at Victims’ Rights Laws in the State of Arizona. Participants will get out of their silos and apply statutes while discussing victim perspectives at all levels of a case.
Audience: All criminal justice and community-based providers; victims’ rights attorneys and staff
Duration: 1.5 hours
Adult & Juvenile Probation Victims’ Rights
Description: This presentation covers an overview of victims’ involvement in the criminal justice system, with a focus on probation’s statutory obligations for Arizona crime victims. *COJET approved*
Audience: Probation and court staff
Duration: 1.5 hours
Beyond the Courtroom Doors: Criminal Appeals and Victims’ Rights
Description: This presentation provides an overview of victims’ rights in Arizona throughout criminal appeals, with an emphasis on the direct appeal process and notification by the Arizona Attorney General’s Office and the Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry. This presentation highlights a prison-specific case study that explores how victims are impacted by this process.
Audience: All criminal justice and victim service providers; post-conviction agencies; victims’ rights attorneys and staff
Duration: 1.5 hours
Building the Right Supports to Empower Elder Victims of Crime
Description: This training provides practical knowledge regarding the victimization of vulnerable, elderly adults. Participants will become more aware of known scams or means of victimizing this population, how to best work with elders as they interact with the criminal justice system, applicable victims’ rights in Arizona, and resources for a provider’s toolkit.
Audience: All criminal justice providers; those working with elder victims of crime including community-based providers; victims’ rights attorneys and staff
Duration: 1.5 hours
Capital Crimes and the Impact on Victims
Description: This training provides information about capital cases from trial through execution. It is presented to enhance understanding of what victims of capital crimes will face in capital cases and ensure that advocates are equipped to prepare victims for that process in the transition from the trial to the post-conviction phase.
Audience: All criminal justice providers; post-conviction agencies
Duration: 1.5 hours
Complex Victims’ Rights: A Workshop for Overcoming Obstacles
Description: This training provides a more in-depth look at victims’ rights that have been identified as challenging to interpret and provide. Participants will have the opportunity to work together to brain storm solutions and learn about other practices around the state.
Audience: All criminal justice providers
Duration: 1.5 – 2 hours
The Fight for Victims’ Rights: A 5-Year Case Study
Description: This case study presented by the prosecutor and victim advocate will explore how a complex vehicular homicide of an infant resulted in delays, atypical legal issues, and substantiated victims’ rights and bar association complaints. Participants will contextualize the importance of team rapport, communication, and victim advocacy needed to navigate roadblocks and support the victims in their healing.
Audience: Advocates; prosecutors; all criminal justice providers; victims’ rights attorneys and staff
Duration: 1.5 hours
From Crisis to Courtroom: Victims’ Rights, Trauma, and Effective Interaction with the Justice System
Description: This presentation provides an overview of victimization and examines key components of Arizona's criminal justice process that grant victims the right to participate. Attendees will gain insight into how trauma may influence victims' interactions with criminal justice entities and will review scenarios designed to enhance their ability to assist victims in determining if and how to exercise their rights.
Audience: All criminal justice providers; advocates; victims’ rights attorneys and staff
Duration: 1.5 hours
It’s Fine; I’m Fine: Vicarious Trauma and Attorneys
Description: Vicarious trauma, that caused by the frequent and ongoing exposure to the trauma suffered by others, affects attorneys and judges at high rates, impacting their professional and personal lives. Through an interactive examination of the Rules of Professional Conduct, this presentation will offer attendees a basic understanding of vicarious trauma, how it can affect their work, and how to integrate self-care and resiliency into their everyday lives to mitigate its affect and avoid burnout.
Audience: All levels and/types of attorneys; judges; victims’ rights attorneys and staff; anyone interested in vicarious trauma & self-care
Duration: 1.5 hours
Keepin’ It Legit: Why Victims’ Rights Compliance Matters
Description: This presentation provides a brief overview of the historical development and current process and goals of the Victims’ Rights Complaints Program at the Attorney General’s Office. This interactive training includes a choice of 1 of 2 activities that review common areas of non-compliance and will offer suggestions for supervisors and leaders to implement in order to prevent non-compliance in their offices.
Audience: Those who have completed Basic in the last 5 years; leadership in criminal justice victim services; victims’ rights attorneys and staff
Duration: 1.5 hours
Making Cents Out of Restitution
Description: This training provides a more in depth look at restitution in the state of Arizona and helps the participants apply statutes and mandated duties to their respected roles in victim services. Attendees will obtain useful tools to apply in various restitution scenarios, empowering victims to actualize their constitutional right to “prompt” restitution.
Audience: All criminal justice providers; victims’ rights attorneys and staff
Duration: 1.5 hours
Navigating the Complexities of Victims’ Rights in the Juvenile Justice System
Description: This presentation provides an overview of victims’ rights within the juvenile justice system. It will enhance understanding of what victims face when their offender is a juvenile, as well as the differences between the adult and juvenile systems. *COJET approved*
Audience: Juvenile justice-specific criminal justice providers
Duration: 1.5 hours
Opening the Door to Justice: Law Enforcement & Victims’ Rights
Description: This presentation provides information to peace officers on their obligations under victims’ rights laws, including instructions on completing the Victims’ Rights Request/Waiver form. In addition, it will provide an opportunity to explore various scenarios officers will encounter to determine applicable victims’ rights. Ultimately, the presentation prepares officers to better serve victims and ensuring their rights.
Audience: Law enforcement officers; crisis/law enforcement advocates
Duration: 1.5 hours
Unraveling the Ambiguities of the Post-Conviction Process for Crime Victims
Description: This training provides a more in depth look at the Post-Conviction process in the state of Arizona, especially with regards to victims’ rights. Participants will have the opportunity to walk through case examples and hear about details of post-conviction relief, appeals, the Board of Executive Clemency, probation and correction processes in Arizona.
Audience: All criminal justice providers; victims’ rights attorneys and staff
Duration: 1.5 hours
Victims Have Rights?
Description: This training provides fundamental and basic information about victims’ rights in the state of Arizona, presented in a manner suitable for college, university, or more of an informal atmosphere.
Audience: All criminal justice providers; new victim service providers; students
Duration: 1.5 hours
Victims in the Spotlight
Description: This presentation provides an in-depth look at how victims of crime have shaped the law by highlighting prominent national and AZ criminal cases where victims have turned tragedy into action. Participants will learn about how victims of crime have used their experiences to make changes in criminal justice system procedures, perceptions and laws to help ensure a better system for future victims. By hearing first-hand from victims who have created change and shared action-based advice, participants looking to make change within the criminal justice system will recognize movements taken that inspired our current laws and energize those looking to make a change.
Audience: All criminal justice providers
Duration: 1.5 hours