Why is this an important topic?
Opioid manufacturers and distributors, and opioid over-prescribing have created a market with an abundance of medication. In addition, the illegal drug trade has increased significantly. This all puts Arizonans at a greater risk for addiction and overdose.
Where can I learn more about nalaxone?
The Arizona Department of Health Services can help you order or give nalaxone. Visit their site here.
What can be done to stop the abundance of medication?
As part of a multi-front effort by the Arizona Attorney General’s office to combat the opioid epidemic, the Community Outreach section has created a pilot program in Mohave and Gila counties. Mohave and Gila counties have been identified as the hardest-hit Arizona regions in terms of opioid overprescribing.
This program seeks to reduce availability of opioids by providing a safe disposal method for unused and unneeded medication. The program also provides educational materials to further educate and inform consumers.
The program will provide drug deactivation pouches to participating pharmacies in Mohave and Gila counties. The participating pharmacies will provide the free pouches to consumers to dispose of any unused prescription medication.
List of participating pharmacies
If you are not a participating pharmacy and are interested, please contact us at [email protected].
In addition to the deactivation pouches, the Attorney General’s office will provide educational information about the opioid epidemic and resources to prevent opioid addiction and consumer fraud.
What can you do?
Sign up to receive a free drug deactivation pouch and educational materials.
To request a free educational presentation on Opioid Awareness or Consumer Scams please fill out this presentation request form.
If you feel you have been a victim of consumer fraud, complete a Consumer Complaint Form.