Terry Goddard to Take Part in ‘CUT IT OUT ’ Program

(Phoenix, Ariz. – Nov. 3, 2006) Attorney General Terry Goddard will appear at 9 a.m. Monday, Nov. 6, at the Southwest Beauty and Nail Show to promote the CUT IT OUT program, which trains salon professionals to recognize the signs of domestic abuse.

The Attorney General’s Office will be hosting a CUT IT OUT information booth at the Southwest Beauty and Nail Show at the Phoenix Convention Center on Sunday and Monday.

In 2005, Goddard joined forces with the Arizona Coalition Against Domestic Violence and the Arizona State Board of Cosmetology to launch the national CUT IT OUT program in Arizona. This common sense program draws on the cosmetology community's unique access to women by training salon professionals to recognize signs of domestic violence in their clients and assist victims in getting help.

This year Arizona’s CUT IT OUT program will focus on promoting the Adopt-a-Shelter program, which encourages salons to adopt a domestic violence shelter in their area. Goddard will appear with Leah Meyers of the Arizona Coalition Against Domestic Violence to promote the program and answer questions.

For more information on the Adopt-a-Shelter program, please visit www.azag.gov/CutItOut.