- Always use credit cards to pay for gas at the pump. If you have to use an ATM card, run it as credit.
- Wiggle the card scanner before you insert your card. If it is loose, move on (this tip also applies to ATMs).
- Some gas stations place security tags/tabs on the pump showing that it is secure. If the tag/tab is broken, move on. Also, look for any pry marks on the gas pump door or if the door is slightly open.
- Look at the surrounding credit card readers at other pumps to see if they look the same. Suspects will often use counterfeit stickers to cover the ones they break while installing a skimming device, so check the stickers on one or more adjacent pumps.
- Use pumps in well-lit areas that are positioned in a clear view of store employees. The scammers installing the devices usually will place a skimmer into the pumps furthest away from the attendant.
- Watch out for large vehicles such as SUVs, trucks, and vans that park in front of fuel dispensers for long periods of time. Criminals have been known to use large vehicles to block the view of the pump from site employees while they install a skimming device.
- If concerned pay inside or go to a different gas station.
- Report your concerns to station employees, law enforcement, and/or file a complaint online.
- Routinely monitor the Arizona Department of Weights and Measures website to identify where credit card skimmers have recently been found.
- Monitor your credit card and bank statements to look for any unauthorized or fraudulent charges.
Credit Card Skimmers Located at AZ Gas Stations
Data from Department of Weights and Measures
(Map reflects skimmers located since August 30, 2018)